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The Cost of Living

“The Cost of Living” describes the end of her marriage and a new start - not knowing what will come next

Verlag TOC Publishing
ISBN 978-3-949164-00-2

Erscheinungsdatum: 08.12.2020 . 1. Auflage . 144 Seiten. 21,5 cm x 13,5 cm . 14 Abbildungen . Hardcover .


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Über den Artikel

Deborah Levy started one of the most unusual literary adventures of the past decade. Writing her autobiography in three parts regarding a special phase of her life. “The Cost of Living” describes the end of her marriage and a new start - not knowing what will come next, not knowing that she has to face an even more terminal loss.

über die Autoren
Deborah Levy

Deborah Levy was born in South Africa in 1959. She was nine years old when her father, a member of the African National Congress, was released from prison and the family moved to England. In 2013, she began writing her three-part “living autobiography”. In “Things I Don’t Want To Know” she posed a question to herself: “Why I...

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