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Building Stories

Follows the inhabitants of a three-flat Chicago apartment house: a thirty-year-old woman who has yet to find someone with whom to spend the rest of her life; a couple who wonder if they can bear each other's company for another minute; and finally an elderly woman who never married and is the building's landlady.

ISBN 9780224078122

Erscheinungsdatum: 04.10.2012 .

lieferbar innerhalb von 2 Werktagen
Über den Artikel

Follows the inhabitants of a three-flat Chicago apartment house: a thirty-year-old woman who has yet to find someone with whom to spend the rest of her life; a couple who wonder if they can bear each other's company for another minute; and finally an elderly woman who never married and is the building's landlady.

über die Autoren
Chris Ware

Chris Ware, 1967 in Ohama, Nebraska. Art Spiegelman bewies ein gutes Auge, als er erste Arbeiten des Studenten Chris Ware in seiner Anthologie "RAW" veröffentlichte. Seither hat dieser mit einem einmaligen Gespür für Bildrhythmus, Gestaltung und Stimmungen den Comic im Alleingang zu neuen Horizonten geführt. 2001 wurde Chris Ware für "Jimmy...

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